Students and trainees are underlined.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
- Çavdaroğlu, B., Riaz, S., Shi, Y., Balcı, F. & Ito, R. (2021). The ventral hippocampus CA3 is critical in regulating timing uncertainty in temporal decision-making. Cell Reports, 34, 108694.
- Karson, A.* & Balcı, F.* (in press). Timing behavior in genetic murine models of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Experimental Brain Research
- Yallak, E. & Balcı, F. (in press). Metric Error Monitoring: Another generalized mechanism for magnitude representations? Cognition
- Ghaderi, A. H., Baltaretu, B. R., Andevari, M. N., Bharmauria, V., & Balci, F. (2020). Synchrony and Complexity in State-Related EEG Networks: An Application of Spectral Graph Theory. Neural Computation, 1–33. Advance online publication.
- Karson, A., Utkan, T., Demirtaş, T., Balcı, F., Arkan, S., Ateş, N. (2021). Etanercept rescues cognitive deficits, depression-like symptoms, and spike-wave discharge incidence in WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 115, 197532
- Balcı, F. & Vatakis, A. (2020). Temporal Illusions. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 217-219. [Editorial]
- Öztel, T., Eskenazi, T., & Balcı, F.* Temporal error monitoring with directional error magnitude judgments: A robust phenomenon with no effect of being watched. Psychological Research,
- Balcı, F.* & Freestone, D. (2020). The Peak Interval Procedure in Rodents: A tool for studying the neurobiological basis of interval timing and its alterations in models of human disease. Bio-protocol, 10, 17.
- Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Türkakın, E., Arkan, A., Karson, A & Balcı, F.* (2020). Aging Impairs Perceptual Decision-making in Mice: Integrating Computational and Neurobiological Approaches. Brain Structure & Function, 225, 1889-1092.
- Öztel, T. & Balcı, F.* (2020). Stimulus-induced temporal illusions: When awareness is mesmerized by time. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 363–380.
- Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Arkan, S., Karson, A., Balcı, F.* (2020). Interval Timing Deficits and Its Neurobiological Correlates in Mouse Model of Aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 90, 33-42.
- Akbıyık, S., Göksun, T. & Balcı, F.* (in press). Cathodal tDCS Stimulation of Left Anterior Temporal Lobe Eliminates Cross-Category Color Discrimination Response Time Advantage. Behavioural Brain Research.
- Zeki, M. & Balcı, F. (2020). A Simple Three Layer Excitatory-Inhibitory Neuronal Network for Temporal Decision-Making. Behavioural Brain Research, 383, 112456.
- Rahnev, R., Desender, K., Lee, A.L.F., Adler, W.T., Aguilar-Lleyda, D. Akdoğan, B., Arbuzova, P., Atlas, L.Y., Balcı, F., Bang, J.W., Bègue, I., Birney, D.P., Brady, T.F., Calder-Travis, J., Chetverikov, A., Clark, T.K., Davranche, K., Denison, R.N., Dildine, T.C., Double, K.S., Duyan, Y.A., Faivre, N., Fallow, K., Filevich, E., Gajdos, T., Gallagher, R.M., de Gardelle, V., Gherman, S., Haddara, N., Hainguerlot, M., Hsu, T-Y, Hu, X., Iturrate, I., Jaquiery, M., Kantner, J., Koculak, M., Konishi, M., Koß, C., Kvam, P.D., Kwok, S.C., Lebreton, M., Lempert, K.M., Lo, C.M., Luo, L., Maniscalco, B., Martin, A., Massoni, S., Matthews, J., Mazancieux, A., Merfeld, D.M., O’Hora, D., Palser, E.R., Paulewicz, B., Pereira, M., Peters, C., Philiastides, M.G., Pfuhl, G., Prieto, F., Rausch, M., Recht, S., Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Sadeghi, S., Samaha, J., Seow, T.X.F., Shekhar, M., Sherman, M.T., Siedlecka, M., Skóra, Z., Song, C., Soto, D., Sun, S., van Boxtel, J.J.A., Wang, S., Weidemann, C.T., Weindel, G., Wierzchoń, M., Xu, X., Ye, Q., Yeon, J., Zou, F., Zylberberg, A. (2020). The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behavior, 4(3), 317-325.
- Duyan, Y. A. & Balcı, F.* (2020). Monitoring Line Length Reproduction Errors. Consciousness & Cognition, 77, 102831.
- Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Balcı, F.* (2019). Probabilistic Information Rescues the Timed Response Inhibition Deficit in Aging Mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13:196. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00196.
- Freestone, D. & Balcı, F. (2019). Bayesian Behavioral Systems Theory. Behavioural Processes, 168, 103904.
- Agostino, C.S., Zana, Y., Balcı, F. & Claessens, P.M.E. (2019) Effect of presentation format on judgment of long-range time intervals. Frontiers in Psychology, 0:1479. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01479
- Karşılar, H. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Symbolism Overshadows Physical Size in Supra-Second Temporal Illusions. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 1-15.
- Gür, E., Fertan, E., Alkins, K., Wong, A., Brown, R.* & Balcı, F.* (2019). Interval Timing is Disrupted in Female 5xFAD Mice: An Indication of Altered Memory Processes. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97(7):817-827.
- Zeki, M. & Balcı, F. (2019). A Simplified Model of Communication Between Time Cells for Displaying the Linear Increase of Noise in Interval Timing. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 12:111. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2018.00111
- Karşılar, H., Kısa, Y.D. & Balcı, F.* (2018) Dilation and Constriction of Subjective Time Based on Observed Walking Speed. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:2565. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02565
- Gür, E., Fertan, E., Kosel, F., Wong, A.A., Balcı, F.* & Brown, R.E.* (2019). Sex Differences in the Timing Behavior Performance of 3xTg-AD and Wild-Type Mice in the Peak Interval Procedure. Behavioural Brain Research. 360: 235-243.
- Duyan, Y.A. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Metric Error Monitoring in the Numerical Estimates. Consciousness and Cognition. 67, 69-76.
- Simen, P.* & Balcı, F.* (2019). Discarding Optimality: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Behavioral & Brain Sciences. 41: e243.
- Doenyas, C. , Mutluer, T., Genç, E. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Error Monitoring in Decision-Making and Timing is Disrupted in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research. 12(2): 239-248. doi: 10.1002/aur.2041.
- Duyan, A. Y. & Balcı, F.* (2018). Numerical Error Monitoring. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 25(4): 1549–1555.
- Türkakın, E., Akbıyık, S., Akyol, B., Gürdere, C., Çakmak, Y.Ö, & Balcı, F.* (2018). Differential Bilateral Primary Motor Cortex tDCS Fails to Modulate Choice Bias and Readiness in Perceptual Decision Making. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12: 410. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00410
- Balzani, E., Falappa, M., Balcı, F. & Tucci, V. (2018). An approach to monitoring home-cage behavior in mice that facilitates data sharing. Nature Protocols. 13, 1331–1347.
- Paraskevoudi, N., Balcı, F., Vatakis, A. (2018). “Walking” through the sensory, cognitive, and temporal degradations of healthy ageing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1426(1): 72-92.
- Ghaderi, A.H., Moradkhani D., Haghighatfard A., Akrami F., Khayer Z., Balcı F. (2018). Time estimation and beta segregation: An EEG study and graph theoretical approach. PLOS ONE. 13(4): e0195380.
- Berkay, D. , Yapıcı Eser, H., Sack, A.T., Çakmak, Y.Ö., & Balcı, F.* (2018). The modulatory role of pre-SMA in speed-accuracy tradeoff: A bi-directional TMS study. Neuropsychologia. 109: 255-261.
- Balcı, F. (2017). Interval Timing: Stopping the Internal Stopwatch by Photostimulation. Current Biology. 27:24, pR1312–R1314.
- Maggi S., Balzani E., Lassi G., Garcia-Garcia C., Plano A., Espinoza S., Mus L., Tinarelli F., Nolan P.M., Gainetdinov R., Balci F., Nieus T., & Tucci V. (2017) The after-hours circadian mutant has reduced phenotypic plasticity in behaviors at multiple timescales and in sleep homeostasis. Scientific Reports. 7:17765, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18130-2
- Sayalı, C. , Uslu, E. , Menceloğlu, M. , Canbeyli, R., & Balcı, F.* (2018). Effect of Acute Physical Activity on Interval Timing. Timing & Time Perception. 6(1): 14-31.
- Gür, E., Duyan, Y., & Balcı, F.* (2018). Spontaneous Integration of Temporal Information: Implications for Representational/Computational Capacity of Animals. Animal Cognition. 21(1): 3-19. doi: 10.1007/s10071-017-1137-z.
- Tosun, T., Berkay, D., Sack, A.T., Çakmak, Y.Ö., & Balcı, F.* (2017). Inhibition of Pre-SMA by Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Leads to More Cautious Decision-making and More Efficient Sensory Evidence Integration. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 29(8), 1433-1444.
- Agostino, C. S., Caetano, M. S., Balcı, F., Claessens, P. M. E., & Zana, Y. (2017). Individual differences in long-range time representation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 79(3), 833-840.
- Akdoğan, B. & Balcı, F.* (2017). Are You Early or Late?: Temporal Error Monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 146(3), 347-361. Featured on Psychology Today
- Gür, E. & Balcı, F.* (2017). Mice Optimize Timed Decisions about Probabilistic Outcomes under Deadlines. Animal Cognition. 20(3), 473-484.
- Erhan, C., Carkaxhiu Bulut, G., Gokce, S., Ozbas, D., Turkakin, E., Dursun, O.B., Yazgan, Y., & Balcı, F.* (2017). Disrupted latent decision processes in medication-free pediatric OCD patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207(1), 32-37.
- Akdogan, B., Balcı, F., van Rijn, H. (2016). Temporal Expectation Indexed by Pupillary Response. Timing & Time Perception. 4(4), 354 – 370.
- Berkay, D., Freestone, D., & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice and rats fail to integrate exogenous timing noise into their time-based decisions. Animal Cognition, 19(6), 1215–1225.
- Karşılar, H. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Asymmetrical Modulation of Time Perception by Increase vs. Decrease in Coherence of Motion. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78(8), 2690–2707.
- Akdogan, B. & Balcı, F.* (2016). The Effects of Payoff Manipulations on Temporal Bisection Performance. Acta Psychologica, 170, 74-83.
- Balcı, F.* & Simen, P. (2016). A decision model of timing. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 8, 94-101. pdf
- Tosun, T., Gür, E., & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice plan decision strategies based on previously learned time intervals, locations, and probabilities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 787-792. Supplemental Material: Parametric Test Results
- Erhan, C. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Obsessive compulsive features predict cautious decision strategies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 16, 1-12.
- Berkay, D., Cavdaroglu, B., & Balcı, F*. (2016). Probabilistic Numerical Discrimination in Mice. Animal Cognition, 19, 251-265.
- Cavdaroğlu, B. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice can count and optimize count-based decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(3), 871-876. Covered as the Psychonomic Society Featured Content
- Akdogan, B. & Balci, F.* (2016). Aralık Zamanlama: Kuramsal ve Deneysel Yaklaşımlar (Interval Timing: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches). Turk Psikoloji Yazilari/Turkish Psychological Articles. 19(37), 32-34.
- Coskun, F., Berkay, D., Sayali, C., & Balcı, F.* (2015). Sequential Temporal Discrimination in Humans and Mice. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 28, 1-14.
- Carkoglu, C., Yilmaz, M., & Balcı, F.* (2015). Continuous Spontaneous Alternation and Turn Alternation in Artemia sp. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 28, 1-7.
- Akdogan, B. & Balci, F.* (2016). Stimulus Probability Effects on Temporal Bisection Performance of Mice (Mus musculus). Animal Cognition, 19, 15-30.
- Demirtas Sahin, T., Karson, A., Balci, F., Yazır, Y., Bayramgürler, D., & Utkan, T. (2015). TNF-alpha inhibition prevents cognitive decline and maintains hippocampal BDNF levels in the unpredictable chronic mild stress rat model of depression. Behavioural Brain Research, 292, 233-240.
- Freestone, D., Balci, F., Simen, P., & Church, R.M. (2015). Optimal Response Rates in Humans and Rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. 41(1), 39-51.
- Coskun, F., Sayali, C., Gurbuz, E., & Balci, F.* (2015). Optimal time discrimination. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 68(2), 381-401.
- Balci, F.* (2014). Interval Timing, Dopamine, & Motivation, Timing & Time Perception, 2 (3), 379-410.
- Karsilar, H., Simen, P., Papadakis, S., & Balci, F.* (2014). Speed Accuracy Trade-off Under Response Deadlines. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8:248. doi3: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00248
- Balci, F.* & Simen, P. (2014). Decision processes in temporal discrimination. Acta Psychologica, 149, 157-168.
- Maggi, D., Garbugino, L., Heise, I., Nieus, T., Balci, F., Wells, S., Tocchini-Valentini, G.P., Mandillo, S., Nolan, P.M., & Tucci, V. (2014). A cross-laboratory investigation of timing endophenotypes in mouse behavior. Timing and Time Perception, 2(1), 35-40.
- Balci, F.*, Ramey-Balci, P., & Ruamps, P. (2014). Spontaneous alternation and locomotor activity in three species of marine crabs: Green crab (Carcinus maenas), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and fiddler crab (Uca pugnax). Journal of Comparative Psychology. 128(1), 65-73.
- Cavdaroglu, B., Zeki, M., & Balci, F.* (2013). Time-based reward maximization. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 369(1637), 20120461.
- Gallistel, C.R., Balci, F., Freestone, D., Kheifets, A., & King, A. (2013). Automated, Quantitative Cognitive/Behavioral Screening of Mice: For Genetics, Pharmacology, Animal Cognition and Undergraduate Instruction. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 84, e51047.
- Balci, F.*, Oakeshott, S., Shamy, J., El Khodor, B., Filippov, I., Mushlin, R. et al. (2013). High-Throughput Automated Phenotyping of Two Genetic Mouse Models of Huntington’s Disease. PLOS Currents in Huntington Disease, 1/doi: 10.1371/currents.hd.124aa0d16753f88215776fba102ceb29
- Simen, P., Rivest, F., Ludvig, E.A., Balci, F., & Killeen, P. (2013). Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing models. Timing & Time Perception, 30, 159-188.
- Karson, A. Demirtas, T., Bayramgurler, D., Balci, F., & Utkan, T. (2013). Chronic administration of Infliximab (TNF-alpha inhibitor) decreases depression and anxiety-like behavior in rat model of unpredictable chronic mild stress. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 112(5), 335-40.
- Balci, F.*, Wiener, M., Cavdaroglu, B., & Coslett, B.H. (2013). Epistasis Effects of Dopamine Genes on Interval Timing and Reward Magnitude in Humans. Neuropsychologia, 51(2), 293-308.
- Karson, A., Utkan, T., Balci, F., Aricioglu, F., & Ates, N. (2012). Age–related decline in learning and memory performances of male WAG/Rij rats. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8/51.
- Brunner, D., Balci, F., & Ludvig, E.A. (2012). Comparative Psychology and the Grand Challenge of Drug Discovery in Psychiatry and Neurodegeneration, Behavioural Processes, 89, 187-95 (selected and evaluated in Faculty 1000 placing this work in the top 2 percent of published articles in biology and medicine).
- Balci, F.*, Freestone, D., Simen, P., deSouza, L., Cohen, J. D., & Holmes, P. (2011). Optimal Temporal Risk Assessment. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 1-15.
- Simen, P., Balci, F., deSouza, L., Cohen, J. D., & Holmes, P. (2011). Interval timing by long-range temporal integration. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 1-2.
- Simen, P., Balci, F., deSouza, L., Holmes, P., & Cohen, J. D. (2011). A model of interval timing by neural integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(25), 9238-9253.
- Oakeshott, S., Balci, F., Flippov, I., Murphy, C., Port, R., Connor, D., Paintdakhi, A., LeSauter, J., Menalled, L., Ramboz, S., Kwak, S., Howland, D., Silver, R., & Brunner, D. (2011). Circadian abnormalities in motor activity in a BAC transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s Disease. PLoS Currents: Huntington Disease, 25/3:RRN1225
- Ludvig, E. A., Balci, F., & Spetch, M. L. (2011). Reward magnitude and timing in pigeons. Behavioural Processes, 86(3), 359-363.
- Balci, F.*, Simen, P., Niyogi, R., Saxe, A., Hughes, J., Holmes, P., & Cohen, J. D. (2011). Acquisition of decision-making criteria: Reward rate ultimately beats accuracy. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(2), 640-657.
- Paterson, N.E., Balci, F., Campbell, U., Olivier, B., & Hanania, T. (2011). The triple reuptake inhibitor DOV216,303 exhibits limited antidepressant-like properties in the differential reinforcement of low-rate 72-sec responding assay, likely due to dopamine reuptake inhibition. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(10), 1357-1364.
- Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., & Brunner, D. (2010). Within-session modulation of timed anticipatory responding: When to start responding. Behavioural Processes, 85(2), 204-206.
- Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., Abner, R., Zhuang, X., Poon, P., B., & Brunner, D. (2010). Motivational Effects on Interval Timing in Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Knockdown Mice. Brain Research, 1325, 89-99. 18.
- Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Daniel, A.M., Freestone, D., Papachristos, E.B., Balci, F., Kheifets, A., Zhang, J., Su, X., Schiff G., & Kourtev, H. (2010). Screening for Learning and Memory Mutations: A New Approach. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42(1), 138-158.
- Balci, F.*, Day, M., Rooney, A., & Brunner, D. (2009). Disrupted Temporal Control in the R6/2 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(6),1353-1358.
- Balci, F.*, Freestone, D., & Gallistel, C.R. (2009). Risk assessment in man and mouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(7), 2459-2463. Covered by Asbury Park Press, Science Daily, Le Scienze, along with others.
- Balci, F.*, Gallistel, C.R., Allen, B.D., Frank, K., Gibson, J., & Brunner, D. (2009). Acquisition of peak responding: What is learned? Behavioural Processes, 80(1), 67-75.
- Ramey, P.A., Teichman, E., Oleksiak, J., & Balci, F.* (2009). Spontaneous alternation in marine crabs: invasive versus native species. Behavioural Processes, 82(1), 51-55.
- Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., Gibson, J.M., Allen, B.D., Frank, K.M., Kapustinski, B.J., Fedolak, E.T., & Brunner, D. (2008). Pharmacological manipulations of interval timing using the peak procedure in male C3H mice. Psychopharmacology, 201(1), 67-80.
- Balci, F.*, Papachristos, E. B., Gallistel, C.R., Brunner, D., Gibson, J., & Shumyatsky, G.P. (2008). Interval-Timing in the Genetically Modified Mouse: A Simple Paradigm. Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 7(3), 373-384.
- Ludvig, E.A., Balci, F., & Longpre, K.M. (2008). Timescale dependence in a conditional temporal discrimination procedure. Behavioural Processes, 77(3), 357-363.
- Karson, A., Onat, F., Balci, F., & Ates, N (2008). Locotomor Activity, Learning and Memory in WAG/Rij Rats with Absense Epilepsy. Epilepsi, 14(3), 167-175.
- Day, M., Balci, F., Wan, H.I., Fox, G.B., Kling, M.A., Rutkowski, J.L., & Feuerstein, G. (2008). Cognitive Endpoints in Attention, Impulsivity and Recent and Remote Memory as Disease Biomarkers: Optimizing the Congruency of Preclinical Models to the Clinic. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, 9, 696-706.
- Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Gottlieb, D., Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Szalecki, M., & Carbone, K.S. (2007). Is Matching Innate? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87(2), 161-199.
- Montemayor, C., & Balci, F. (2007). Compositionality in Language and Arithmetic. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology, 27(1), 53-72.
- Balci, F.* & Gallistel, C.R. (2006). Cross-Domain Transfer of Quantitative Discriminations: Is it All a Matter of Proportion? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13(4), 636-642.