Journal Articles

Students and trainees are underlined.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Çavdaroğlu, B., Riaz, S., Shi, Y., Balcı, F. & Ito, R. (2021). The ventral hippocampus CA3 is critical in regulating timing uncertainty in temporal decision-making. Cell Reports, 34, 108694.
  2. Karson, A.* & Balcı, F.* (in press). Timing behavior in genetic murine models of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Experimental Brain Research
  3. Yallak, E. & Balcı, F. (in press). Metric Error Monitoring: Another generalized mechanism for magnitude representations? Cognition
  4. Ghaderi, A. H., Baltaretu, B. R., Andevari, M. N., Bharmauria, V., & Balci, F. (2020). Synchrony and Complexity in State-Related EEG Networks: An Application of Spectral Graph Theory. Neural Computation, 1–33. Advance online publication.
  5. Karson, A., Utkan, T., Demirtaş, T., Balcı, F., Arkan, S., Ateş, N. (2021). Etanercept rescues cognitive deficits, depression-like symptoms, and spike-wave discharge incidence in WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 115, 197532
  6. Balcı, F. & Vatakis, A. (2020). Temporal Illusions. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 217-219. [Editorial]
  7. Öztel, T., Eskenazi, T., & Balcı, F.* Temporal error monitoring with directional error magnitude judgments: A robust phenomenon with no effect of being watched. Psychological Research,
  8. Balcı, F.* & Freestone, D. (2020). The Peak Interval Procedure in Rodents: A tool for studying the neurobiological basis of interval timing and its alterations in models of human disease. Bio-protocol, 10, 17.
  9. Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Türkakın, E., Arkan, A., Karson, A & Balcı, F.* (2020). Aging Impairs Perceptual Decision-making in Mice: Integrating Computational and Neurobiological Approaches. Brain Structure & Function, 225, 1889-1092.
  10. Öztel, T. & Balcı, F.* (2020). Stimulus-induced temporal illusions: When awareness is mesmerized by time. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 363–380.
  11. Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Arkan, S., Karson, A., Balcı, F.* (2020). Interval Timing Deficits and Its Neurobiological Correlates in Mouse Model of Aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 90, 33-42.
  12. Akbıyık, S., Göksun, T. & Balcı, F.* (in press). Cathodal tDCS Stimulation of Left Anterior Temporal Lobe Eliminates Cross-Category Color Discrimination Response Time Advantage. Behavioural Brain Research.
  13. Zeki, M. & Balcı, F. (2020). A Simple Three Layer Excitatory-Inhibitory Neuronal Network for Temporal Decision-Making. Behavioural Brain Research, 383, 112456.
  14. Rahnev, R., Desender, K., Lee, A.L.F., Adler, W.T., Aguilar-Lleyda, D. Akdoğan, B., Arbuzova, P., Atlas, L.Y., Balcı, F., Bang, J.W., Bègue, I., Birney, D.P., Brady, T.F., Calder-Travis, J., Chetverikov, A., Clark, T.K., Davranche, K., Denison, R.N., Dildine, T.C., Double, K.S., Duyan, Y.A., Faivre, N., Fallow, K., Filevich, E., Gajdos, T., Gallagher, R.M., de Gardelle, V., Gherman, S., Haddara, N., Hainguerlot, M., Hsu, T-Y, Hu, X., Iturrate, I., Jaquiery, M., Kantner, J., Koculak, M., Konishi, M., Koß, C., Kvam, P.D., Kwok, S.C., Lebreton, M., Lempert, K.M., Lo, C.M., Luo, L., Maniscalco, B., Martin, A., Massoni, S., Matthews, J., Mazancieux, A., Merfeld, D.M., O’Hora, D., Palser, E.R., Paulewicz, B., Pereira, M., Peters, C., Philiastides, M.G., Pfuhl, G., Prieto, F., Rausch, M., Recht, S., Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Sadeghi, S., Samaha, J., Seow, T.X.F., Shekhar, M., Sherman, M.T., Siedlecka, M., Skóra, Z., Song, C., Soto, D., Sun, S., van Boxtel, J.J.A., Wang, S., Weidemann, C.T., Weindel, G., Wierzchoń, M., Xu, X., Ye, Q., Yeon, J., Zou, F., Zylberberg, A. (2020). The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behavior, 4(3), 317-325.
  15. Duyan, Y. A. & Balcı, F.* (2020). Monitoring Line Length Reproduction Errors. Consciousness & Cognition, 77, 102831.
  16. Gür, E., Duyan, Y.A., Balcı, F.* (2019). Probabilistic Information Rescues the Timed Response Inhibition Deficit in Aging Mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13:196. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00196.
  17. Freestone, D. & Balcı, F. (2019). Bayesian Behavioral Systems Theory. Behavioural Processes, 168, 103904.
  18. Agostino, C.S., Zana, Y., Balcı, F. & Claessens, P.M.E. (2019) Effect of presentation format on judgment of long-range time intervals. Frontiers in Psychology, 0:1479. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01479
  19. Karşılar, H. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Symbolism Overshadows Physical Size in Supra-Second Temporal Illusions. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 1-15.
  20. Gür, E., Fertan, E., Alkins, K., Wong, A., Brown, R.* & Balcı, F.* (2019). Interval Timing is Disrupted in Female 5xFAD Mice: An Indication of Altered Memory Processes. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97(7):817-827.
  21. Zeki, M. & Balcı, F. (2019). A Simplified Model of Communication Between Time Cells for Displaying the Linear Increase of Noise in Interval Timing. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 12:111. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2018.00111
  22. Karşılar, H., Kısa, Y.D. & Balcı, F.* (2018) Dilation and Constriction of Subjective Time Based on Observed Walking Speed. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:2565. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02565
  23. Gür, E., Fertan, E., Kosel, F., Wong, A.A., Balcı, F.* & Brown, R.E.* (2019). Sex Differences in the Timing Behavior Performance of 3xTg-AD and Wild-Type Mice in the Peak Interval Procedure. Behavioural Brain Research. 360: 235-243.
  24. Duyan, Y.A. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Metric Error Monitoring in the Numerical Estimates. Consciousness and Cognition. 67, 69-76.
  25. Simen, P.* & Balcı, F.* (2019). Discarding Optimality: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Behavioral & Brain Sciences. 41: e243.
  26. Doenyas, C. , Mutluer, T., Genç, E. & Balcı, F.* (2019). Error Monitoring in Decision-Making and Timing is Disrupted in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research. 12(2): 239-248. doi: 10.1002/aur.2041.
  27. Duyan, A. Y. & Balcı, F.* (2018). Numerical Error Monitoring. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 25(4): 1549–1555.
  28. Türkakın, E., Akbıyık, S., Akyol, B., Gürdere, C., Çakmak, Y.Ö, & Balcı, F.* (2018). Differential Bilateral Primary Motor Cortex tDCS Fails to Modulate Choice Bias and Readiness in Perceptual Decision Making. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12: 410. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00410
  29. Balzani, E., Falappa, M., Balcı, F. & Tucci, V. (2018). An approach to monitoring home-cage behavior in mice that facilitates data sharing. Nature Protocols. 13, 1331–1347.
  30. Paraskevoudi, N., Balcı, F., Vatakis, A. (2018). “Walking” through the sensory, cognitive, and temporal degradations of healthy ageing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1426(1): 72-92.
  31. Ghaderi, A.H., Moradkhani D., Haghighatfard A., Akrami F., Khayer Z., Balcı F. (2018). Time estimation and beta segregation: An EEG study and graph theoretical approach. PLOS ONE. 13(4): e0195380.
  32. Berkay, D. , Yapıcı Eser, H., Sack, A.T., Çakmak, Y.Ö., & Balcı, F.* (2018). The modulatory role of pre-SMA in speed-accuracy tradeoff: A bi-directional TMS study. Neuropsychologia. 109: 255-261.
  33. Balcı, F. (2017). Interval Timing: Stopping the Internal Stopwatch by Photostimulation. Current Biology. 27:24, pR1312–R1314.
  34. Maggi S., Balzani E., Lassi G., Garcia-Garcia C., Plano A., Espinoza S., Mus L., Tinarelli F., Nolan P.M., Gainetdinov R., Balci F., Nieus T., & Tucci V. (2017) The after-hours circadian mutant has reduced phenotypic plasticity in behaviors at multiple timescales and in sleep homeostasis. Scientific Reports. 7:17765, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18130-2
  35. Sayalı, C. , Uslu, E. , Menceloğlu, M. , Canbeyli, R., & Balcı, F.* (2018). Effect of Acute Physical Activity on Interval Timing. Timing & Time Perception. 6(1): 14-31.
  36. Gür, E., Duyan, Y., & Balcı, F.* (2018). Spontaneous Integration of Temporal Information: Implications for Representational/Computational Capacity of Animals. Animal Cognition. 21(1): 3-19. doi: 10.1007/s10071-017-1137-z.
  37. Tosun, T., Berkay, D., Sack, A.T., Çakmak, Y.Ö., & Balcı, F.* (2017). Inhibition of Pre-SMA by Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Leads to More Cautious Decision-making and More Efficient Sensory Evidence Integration. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 29(8), 1433-1444.
  38. Agostino, C. S., Caetano, M. S., Balcı, F., Claessens, P. M. E., & Zana, Y. (2017). Individual differences in long-range time representation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 79(3), 833-840.
  39. Akdoğan, B. & Balcı, F.* (2017). Are You Early or Late?: Temporal Error Monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 146(3), 347-361. Featured on Psychology Today
  40. Gür, E. & Balcı, F.* (2017). Mice Optimize Timed Decisions about Probabilistic Outcomes under Deadlines. Animal Cognition. 20(3), 473-484.
  41. Erhan, C., Carkaxhiu Bulut, G., Gokce, S., Ozbas, D., Turkakin, E., Dursun, O.B., Yazgan, Y., & Balcı, F.* (2017). Disrupted latent decision processes in medication-free pediatric OCD patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207(1), 32-37.
  42. Akdogan, B., Balcı, F., van Rijn, H. (2016). Temporal Expectation Indexed by Pupillary Response. Timing & Time Perception. 4(4), 354 – 370.
  43. Berkay, D., Freestone, D., & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice and rats fail to integrate exogenous timing noise into their time-based decisions. Animal Cognition, 19(6), 1215–1225.
  44. Karşılar, H. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Asymmetrical Modulation of Time Perception by Increase vs. Decrease in Coherence of Motion. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78(8), 2690–2707.
  45. Akdogan, B. & Balcı, F.* (2016). The Effects of Payoff Manipulations on Temporal Bisection Performance. Acta Psychologica, 170, 74-83.
  46. Balcı, F.* & Simen, P. (2016). A decision model of timing. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 8, 94-101. pdf
  47. Tosun, T., Gür, E., & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice plan decision strategies based on previously learned time intervals, locations, and probabilities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 787-792. Supplemental Material: Parametric Test Results
  48. Erhan, C. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Obsessive compulsive features predict cautious decision strategies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 16, 1-12.
  49. Berkay, D., Cavdaroglu, B., & Balcı, F*. (2016). Probabilistic Numerical Discrimination in Mice. Animal Cognition, 19, 251-265.
  50. Cavdaroğlu, B. & Balcı, F.* (2016). Mice can count and optimize count-based decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(3), 871-876. Covered as the Psychonomic Society Featured Content
  51. Akdogan, B. & Balci, F.* (2016). Aralık Zamanlama: Kuramsal ve Deneysel Yaklaşımlar (Interval Timing: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches). Turk Psikoloji Yazilari/Turkish Psychological Articles. 19(37), 32-34.
  52. Coskun, F., Berkay, D., Sayali, C., & Balcı, F.* (2015). Sequential Temporal Discrimination in Humans and Mice. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 28, 1-14.
  53. Carkoglu, C., Yilmaz, M., & Balcı, F.* (2015). Continuous Spontaneous Alternation and Turn Alternation in Artemia sp. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 28, 1-7.
  54. Akdogan, B. & Balci, F.* (2016). Stimulus Probability Effects on Temporal Bisection Performance of Mice (Mus musculus). Animal Cognition, 19, 15-30.
  55. Demirtas Sahin, T., Karson, A., Balci, F., Yazır, Y., Bayramgürler, D., & Utkan, T. (2015). TNF-alpha inhibition prevents cognitive decline and maintains hippocampal BDNF levels in the unpredictable chronic mild stress rat model of depression. Behavioural Brain Research, 292, 233-240.
  56. Freestone, D., Balci, F., Simen, P., & Church, R.M. (2015). Optimal Response Rates in Humans and Rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. 41(1), 39-51.
  57. Coskun, F., Sayali, C., Gurbuz, E., & Balci, F.* (2015). Optimal time discrimination. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 68(2), 381-401.
  58. Balci, F.* (2014). Interval Timing, Dopamine, & Motivation, Timing & Time Perception, 2 (3), 379-410.
  59. Karsilar, H., Simen, P., Papadakis, S., & Balci, F.* (2014). Speed Accuracy Trade-off Under Response Deadlines. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8:248. doi3: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00248
  60. Balci, F.* & Simen, P. (2014). Decision processes in temporal discrimination. Acta Psychologica, 149, 157-168.
  61. Maggi, D., Garbugino, L., Heise, I., Nieus, T., Balci, F., Wells, S., Tocchini-Valentini, G.P., Mandillo, S., Nolan, P.M., & Tucci, V. (2014). A cross-laboratory investigation of timing endophenotypes in mouse behavior. Timing and Time Perception, 2(1), 35-40.
  62. Balci, F.*, Ramey-Balci, P., & Ruamps, P. (2014). Spontaneous alternation and locomotor activity in three species of marine crabs: Green crab (Carcinus maenas), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and fiddler crab (Uca pugnax). Journal of Comparative Psychology. 128(1), 65-73.
  63. Cavdaroglu, B., Zeki, M., & Balci, F.* (2013). Time-based reward maximization. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 369(1637), 20120461.
  64. Gallistel, C.R., Balci, F., Freestone, D., Kheifets, A., & King, A. (2013). Automated, Quantitative Cognitive/Behavioral Screening of Mice: For Genetics, Pharmacology, Animal Cognition and Undergraduate Instruction. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 84, e51047.
  65. Balci, F.*, Oakeshott, S., Shamy, J., El Khodor, B., Filippov, I., Mushlin, R. et al. (2013). High-Throughput Automated Phenotyping of Two Genetic Mouse Models of Huntington’s Disease. PLOS Currents in Huntington Disease, 1/doi: 10.1371/currents.hd.124aa0d16753f88215776fba102ceb29
  66. Simen, P., Rivest, F., Ludvig, E.A., Balci, F., & Killeen, P. (2013). Timescale invariance in the pacemaker-accumulator family of timing models. Timing & Time Perception, 30, 159-188.
  67. Karson, A. Demirtas, T., Bayramgurler, D., Balci, F., & Utkan, T. (2013). Chronic administration of Infliximab (TNF-alpha inhibitor) decreases depression and anxiety-like behavior in rat model of unpredictable chronic mild stress. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 112(5), 335-40.
  68. Balci, F.*, Wiener, M., Cavdaroglu, B., & Coslett, B.H. (2013). Epistasis Effects of Dopamine Genes on Interval Timing and Reward Magnitude in Humans. Neuropsychologia, 51(2), 293-308.
  69. Karson, A., Utkan, T., Balci, F., Aricioglu, F., & Ates, N. (2012). Age–related decline in learning and memory performances of male WAG/Rij rats. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8/51.
  70. Brunner, D., Balci, F., & Ludvig, E.A. (2012). Comparative Psychology and the Grand Challenge of Drug Discovery in Psychiatry and Neurodegeneration, Behavioural Processes, 89, 187-95 (selected and evaluated in Faculty 1000 placing this work in the top 2 percent of published articles in biology and medicine).
  71. Balci, F.*, Freestone, D., Simen, P., deSouza, L., Cohen, J. D., & Holmes, P. (2011). Optimal Temporal Risk Assessment. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 1-15.
  72. Simen, P., Balci, F., deSouza, L., Cohen, J. D., & Holmes, P. (2011). Interval timing by long-range temporal integration. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 1-2.
  73. Simen, P., Balci, F., deSouza, L., Holmes, P., & Cohen, J. D. (2011). A model of interval timing by neural integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(25), 9238-9253.
  74. Oakeshott, S., Balci, F., Flippov, I., Murphy, C., Port, R., Connor, D., Paintdakhi, A., LeSauter, J., Menalled, L., Ramboz, S., Kwak, S., Howland, D., Silver, R., & Brunner, D. (2011). Circadian abnormalities in motor activity in a BAC transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s Disease. PLoS Currents: Huntington Disease, 25/3:RRN1225
  75. Ludvig, E. A., Balci, F., & Spetch, M. L. (2011). Reward magnitude and timing in pigeons. Behavioural Processes, 86(3), 359-363.
  76. Balci, F.*, Simen, P., Niyogi, R., Saxe, A., Hughes, J., Holmes, P., & Cohen, J. D. (2011). Acquisition of decision-making criteria: Reward rate ultimately beats accuracy. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(2), 640-657.
  77. Paterson, N.E., Balci, F., Campbell, U., Olivier, B., & Hanania, T. (2011). The triple reuptake inhibitor DOV216,303 exhibits limited antidepressant-like properties in the differential reinforcement of low-rate 72-sec responding assay, likely due to dopamine reuptake inhibition. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(10), 1357-1364.
  78. Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., & Brunner, D. (2010). Within-session modulation of timed anticipatory responding: When to start responding. Behavioural Processes, 85(2), 204-206.
  79. Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., Abner, R., Zhuang, X., Poon, P., B., & Brunner, D. (2010). Motivational Effects on Interval Timing in Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Knockdown Mice. Brain Research, 1325, 89-99. 18.
  80. Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Daniel, A.M., Freestone, D., Papachristos, E.B., Balci, F., Kheifets, A., Zhang, J., Su, X., Schiff G., & Kourtev, H. (2010). Screening for Learning and Memory Mutations: A New Approach. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42(1), 138-158.
  81. Balci, F.*, Day, M., Rooney, A., & Brunner, D. (2009). Disrupted Temporal Control in the R6/2 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(6),1353-1358.
  82. Balci, F.*, Freestone, D., & Gallistel, C.R. (2009). Risk assessment in man and mouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(7), 2459-2463. Covered by Asbury Park Press, Science Daily, Le Scienze, along with others.
  83. Balci, F.*, Gallistel, C.R., Allen, B.D., Frank, K., Gibson, J., & Brunner, D. (2009). Acquisition of peak responding: What is learned? Behavioural Processes, 80(1), 67-75.
  84. Ramey, P.A., Teichman, E., Oleksiak, J., & Balci, F.* (2009). Spontaneous alternation in marine crabs: invasive versus native species. Behavioural Processes, 82(1), 51-55.
  85. Balci, F.*, Ludvig, E.A., Gibson, J.M., Allen, B.D., Frank, K.M., Kapustinski, B.J., Fedolak, E.T., & Brunner, D. (2008). Pharmacological manipulations of interval timing using the peak procedure in male C3H mice. Psychopharmacology, 201(1), 67-80.
  86. Balci, F.*, Papachristos, E. B., Gallistel, C.R., Brunner, D., Gibson, J., & Shumyatsky, G.P. (2008). Interval-Timing in the Genetically Modified Mouse: A Simple Paradigm. Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 7(3), 373-384.
  87. Ludvig, E.A., Balci, F., & Longpre, K.M. (2008). Timescale dependence in a conditional temporal discrimination procedure. Behavioural Processes, 77(3), 357-363.
  88. Karson, A., Onat, F., Balci, F., & Ates, N (2008). Locotomor Activity, Learning and Memory in WAG/Rij Rats with Absense Epilepsy. Epilepsi, 14(3), 167-175.
  89. Day, M., Balci, F., Wan, H.I., Fox, G.B., Kling, M.A., Rutkowski, J.L., & Feuerstein, G. (2008). Cognitive Endpoints in Attention, Impulsivity and Recent and Remote Memory as Disease Biomarkers: Optimizing the Congruency of Preclinical Models to the Clinic. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, 9, 696-706.
  90. Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Gottlieb, D., Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Szalecki, M., & Carbone, K.S. (2007). Is Matching Innate? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87(2), 161-199.
  91. Montemayor, C., & Balci, F. (2007). Compositionality in Language and Arithmetic. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology, 27(1), 53-72.
  92. Balci, F.* & Gallistel, C.R. (2006). Cross-Domain Transfer of Quantitative Discriminations: Is it All a Matter of Proportion? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13(4), 636-642.